Lawrence Was Involved In A Heist

A few weeks ago, in the middle of his national tour, Lawrence popped up to Canberra to be part of a heist. The short film entitled “Waiting For Robbo” is a cheeky little caper written and directed by Simon Weaving.

John Wood, Rhys Muldoon, Justin Rozniak and Lawrence play crims planning a robbery. You heard right! The gangsters are played by a former Mt Thomas Police Chief, a former PlaySchool host and this nerdy comedian! Rozniak has a bit more experience in the field having played a crook in Underbelly: Razor. We won’t give away too much, but Lawrence’s role is known as “The Swisher”.

We look forward to see how the film turns out. Lawrence denies any tales of late night partying and guitar-playing with MPs in Canberra, but maintains that it  was “an absolute pleasure working with these fine actors and top blokes”.

Watch out for “Waiting For Robbo” in film festivals in early 2012.