Hottest 100 Magic

January is Triple J Hottest 100 month when the national radio station asks the country to vote for their favourite songs and broadcasts the big countdown on Australia Day. It’s dubbed the world’s biggest musical democracy!

The theme this year is Magic, so they asked obsessive magic-tragic Lawrence Leung to direct a series of cunning and tricky web videos to help encourage voting and pop a few eyeballs.

Lawrence teamed up with his old magic buddy from Uni days, the world championship award-winning illusionist Simon Coronel to conjure up a series of mind-bending videos.

The videos feature jaw-dropping “right-under-your-nose” sleight of hand magic – WITHOUT any sneaky CGI or post-production FX trickery and were heavily featured on triplej’s online channels and Hottest 100 voting campaign.

Videos shot/directed by Lawrence Leung

Magic Routines Devised/Performed by Simon Coronel & Lawrence Leung