Australian Skeptics National Convention Dinner

The Australian Skeptics are hosting Lawrence Leung as the keynote speaker at the Dinner event of the 2011 Australian Skeptics National Convention.

photo: Ben King

Open to the general public, the dinner on a ferry includes 2 course dinner, drinks and a presentation from comedian and paranormal investigator, Lawrence Leung. He will be discussing the making of his recent TV show Unbelievable in his usual humourous way.

Where: The South Steyne Ferry, Darling Harbour (next to the Pyrmont Bridge)
When: 7.30pm on Saturday, November 19

Book your seat or table for the event: HERE

( * The web link is now fixed. Cheers for letting us know. )

Lawrence Was Involved In A Heist

A few weeks ago, in the middle of his national tour, Lawrence popped up to Canberra to be part of a heist. The short film entitled “Waiting For Robbo” is a cheeky little caper written and directed by Simon Weaving.

John Wood, Rhys Muldoon, Justin Rozniak and Lawrence play crims planning a robbery. You heard right! The gangsters are played by a former Mt Thomas Police Chief, a former PlaySchool host and this nerdy comedian! Rozniak has a bit more experience in the field having played a crook in Underbelly: Razor. We won’t give away too much, but Lawrence’s role is known as “The Swisher”.

We look forward to see how the film turns out. Lawrence denies any tales of late night partying and guitar-playing with MPs in Canberra, but maintains that it  was “an absolute pleasure working with these fine actors and top blokes”.

Watch out for “Waiting For Robbo” in film festivals in early 2012.



The critically-acclaimed live stand up show LAWRENCE LEUNG WANTS A JETPACK lands in London in August and then back to Australia in Sept-Nov 2011 for a nation-wide tour.

This is his one-man Comedy Festival show that was a hit in Melbourne & Sydney comedy festivals earlier this year. Due to popular demand and a desire to tell stories and gags for some new friends, he’s taking it to a city near you. Book now.

LONDON – August 2-13, 2011  Soho Theatre   Tickets Here

PERTH – Friday Sept 23,  Astor Theatre  Tickets Here

Note: Astor Theatre’s Downstairs Seating 18+ unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. Balcony seating are All Ages (minimum age 15).

ADELAIDE – Saturday October 8, Lion Arts Centre  Tickets Here

Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult (licensed venue)

SYDNEY – 7pm October 14th Fusebox at The Factory Theatre. SOLD OUT  Tickets Here

BRISBANE 1st SHOW- 8 pm Sunday October 16th, Brisbane Arts Theatre  SOLD OUT

BRISBANE 2nd SHOW!! Just announced: 6pm October 16th, Brisbane Arts Theatre. SELLING FAST:  Tickets Here

HOBART – will be announced shortly.

MELBOURNE – Lawrence’s show premiered at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival (playing most of April). Due to popular demand, it was reprised for two of intimate gigs in July. Regretfully, it seems unlikely to be any more Jetpack shows in Melbourne this year.

“Terrific” (Four Stars) The Age

“Hilarious” (Four Stars) The Herald-Sun

“Lawrence Leung Wants a Jetpack soars with comedy and hits the lofty heights it aims for.”

PLEASE NOTE: The London season may have slightly different material due to cultural differences.


Some pleasing updates, in the Leung-related universe:

1) ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ has been nominated for an AFI Award for Best TV Comedy. Hooray. The results will be announced at the AFI Awards night in a few weeks. Massive props to the ABC too – all other nominees in this category are shows screened on Aunty.

2) Lawrence won the GQ Magazine Man Of the Year Award for Best Comedic Talent.

3) Choose Your Adventure’s is current screening on ABC2 again.  Thursday nights, ABC2 11pm.

4) Lawrence has made an appearance on Chelsea Lately. It will air in Australia on Tuesday at 10.30pm AEDST  on Foxtel/Austar.

Choose Your Own Adventure – Complete Series DVD

The 2-Disc DVD of the Complete Series is packed with 269min of goodies:

Hilarious deleted & extended scenes, more mum & dad out-takes, music video & karaoke videos and Lawrence’s “How to Solve the Rubik’s Cube” Tutorial – an epic step-by-step feature that is so long and obsessively detailed it could only fit on a separate disc. You will either fall asleep watching it or end up finally solving your Cube!

DVD is available in shops or BUY DVD Online at ABC Shop

DVD signings (in 2009)

Lawrence is making some in-store appearances at ABC shops around the country if you want him to scribble his name all over your new DVDs:

Friday May 8th, 2009 – 12.30PM ABC Shop QVB Building NSW

Saturday May 9th 2009 – 11AM ABC Shop Brookvale & 2PM ABC Shop Macquarie NSW

Sunday May 10th 2009- 11AM ABC Shop Miranda NSW

Friday 15th May 2009- 1PM ABC Shop Melbourne GPO VIC

Saturday 16th May 2009- 12PM ABC Shop Chadstone VIC

Saturday 30th May 2009- 12PM ABC Shop Indooroopily QLD

We are holding FIGHT CUBE battles at these instores, so if you can solve the Cube, bring it, race Lawrence for the chance to win prizes!

Come say hello!

For more updates follow Lawrence’s FACEBOOK GROUP or TWITTER